It's a Rangoli

There's this Tamil Paati (at least in my imagination) who does these beautiful Rangolis by 7 am everyday. One of the highlights of my morning walk (note, not jog but not stroll either) is waiting to find out what piece of art she has created today. It is weird to walk by looking over-casual, use darting looks to make sure no one from the house is actually outside and inconspicuously click a pic . Everyday. But they look so awesome don't they  !

One day though, I saw a youngish lady outside (heart shattering sounds of "she's not a patti" were heard) and I walked up and said, hey I like the rangolis you put everyday, they are beautiful and she laughed and said "no, that's not me, that's owner aunty from upstairs" . So, it still might be a Tamil Paati no ?

Flashes of inspired thinking..

During a discussion yesterday, while talking about someone who got real rich in a short time, someone said, "now he's successful" and I had a one of my "How didn't I realise I was this smart before" moments. 
I wondered why it was that being rich is considered being better than any other goals that humans tend to have, I realised that it's probably because it's a quantifiable quality. You can't measure how happy a person is , or how much good one has done, but you can definitely measure all the things one owns! Even kings were feared or respected based on the sizes of the kingdoms they conquered. 
Hence, the need to live in the tallest building, own the fastest car and what not. In the movie 3 Idiots, isn't that what the Class Topper tries to show off - amazing house and car, pretty wife - all quantifiable. Of course, we are shown finally that he depends on the hero for it finally, but I digress. 

While I am writing about the nuggets of wisdom that I have come up with, here's another recent one. I travelled down a stretch of road and back one afternoon, onwards in a mad hurry and on the way back like I was spending a lazy vacation day on a beachside hammock. While going, I just needed to get ahead, I took some risks zigzagging, bounced in and out of all available potholes, had flashes of road rage, I couldn't believe people were ambling about so aimlessly (and more importantly, blocking my road because they weren't pushing their limits to make way for themselves) While coming back, I was in the Fuel Economy Zone Speed, noticing new hoardings, no honking and was enjoying the ride. Standby for Wisdom Transmission.
Isn't that how we live life? We decide how fast we go, where to stop, what risks we can take, when to stop and smell the roses. We see others and are quick to judge their decisions while we do whatever catches our fancy. Well, I guess what I realised was, when we have a goal, we do more to make it happen and there is fun in making things happen but stress too because we are stepping out of the comfort zone.When we don't have that sense of purpose, things still happen, we still finish the journey probably more relaxed but we don't use all the abilities we have. Well, that's just me thinking, a journey and how living life is almost the same!

There must be so many more amazing thoughts floating around in the spaces of my mind. I'm off on a hunter-gatherer mission to find them all.