New Year, New Place

Started with my new company, it is indeed a strange feeling to be in a building full of people you have never seen, never met.
Lots of waiting in the reception area later, I met the HR, my new Team Manager, team mates. Looks like a whole new beginning. It seems like every beginning is an opportunity for infinite possibilities, a fresh start where you can do things differently or the same way again ;0
New cubicles, a lovely terrace pantry with a beautiful flower garden and a nice view, a library that actually stocks Rd, nice people - the manager asked me to join his group for lunch, the building looks awesome, well what else, oh yeah, I dont know any of the things that I am supposed to be working on- eowwwwwww - back to books and learning for me.
Well, wish me a wonderful beginning and a wonderful time here ..
And I wish the same for you for the new year ahead.


Anonymous January 3, 2010 at 1:28 PM  

le dint mention freeeeeee kaaaaapi and Teeeeeee

Anonymous February 4, 2010 at 12:15 PM  

1 month down the line does it feel ? Yes paaaraanta and all..

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