I am sitting on bed by the window, looking out on a forest - its greeeeeeeeeeen and its raining. I see the drops landing on the puddles already formed and creating lovely ripples in them.
There's something amazingly calming and beautiful, fascinating and breath taking about rain. About water too generally.
It reminds me of me long long ago, doing exactly this. Writing a blog post, with a cup of tea by my side while looking at snow fall slowly to the ground.
I was in the US of A then and I am in the US of A now. But now, the world has shifted along the axis, an axis I don't recognise.
I have come a long way.
I am still finding my path around that, for now, orbiting around my little puddles.
Things to do for kids with stuff you can find at home
I think there's a basic need for novelty that we all have and more so with
kids I feel! As wonderful as it would be to buy something new everyday, Yes
6 years ago