Off into the deep blue skies ...

I look out the window and see a group of dragonflies all seemingly strategically placed for maximum impact just waiting to pounce.Their indicators are on , blinking systematically every once in a while. This is far more interesting than I had ever imagined. They are actually polite enough to wait for the one that arrived before them to attack. There is just one path that has to be tread to get into the war zone. I see the first one from France approach the road cautiously and then pick up speed and then zooooom and finally make an awkward leap into the air that makes it seem like an over sized insect making its first unpracticed attempt into the skies, flailing its arms and legs(figuratively speaking) wildly. and then it moves into the open skies that seem to welcome it and lets it spread its wings.This is the part where the gawky awkward being becomes a majestic graceful bird.I can look at it for only so long until the skies swallow it whole. The war craft has left the base.And while I was still taking this in, Italy jumped in pursuit of France, and it went through the same saga that its predecessor faced.One after the other, I saw a couple of ugly ducklings turn into graceful swans.Each being swallowed whole by the sky , riding off behind the cover of the clouds in search of its own destination.I really do have to admire the operations control, they know exactly the right second that the next guy is allowed, all of them seeming restless, just waiting to be off, placating all of them, co-ordinating with all of them from so many different countries , each speaking a different language. Finally, my dragonfly with majestic wings(mine's the prettiest by the way) went down the final path and took off from Charles DeGaulle airport.
and oh, I am on my way home !!!


Swappy September 19, 2007 at 11:11 PM  

lemme wud my dragon fly be :)

myths September 20, 2007 at 10:54 AM  

It'll be less prettier than mine ;)
it wont be Air India =))
lalallalalalllaaaa ....

Prashanth September 21, 2007 at 10:05 PM  

Charles De Gaulle? Did you get stuck in that humongous security queue like I did?

Anonymous September 24, 2007 at 11:10 PM  

nope ! luckily,my flight just stopped over at Paris for an hour, dint have to change flights.
Looks like you had a long wait there.. I had a 6 hour wait in Frankfurt when going to the US, was an absolute treat to watch people of so many different cultures, languages, colors,sizes, shapes, dressing ..

Anonymous October 1, 2007 at 9:58 AM  

and you are writing with "passion" kudos...and stop humming that song...grrrr

M October 1, 2007 at 11:38 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous October 1, 2007 at 11:39 AM  

patent idiya?

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