
I remember trouncing a friend ages ago, who had made the mistake of saying "I go to a movie hall to be entertained, I want to see a few songs, a little romance, some sentiment, I want to see the hero beat up the bad guys and finally get the girl" ,I clearly remember thinking "Isn't he embarrassed even saying that?Is that all you look for in a movie, what about sensitive portrayal of emotion, what about making you think, what about finding something to identify yourself with? How can one be so 'Mass'?".
Not to say that I don't enjoy the 5songs-4fights sagas, but every once in a while , there should be something that makes an impact on you, maybe just for being a well-executed movie or for that one scene which etches itself in your memory forever even if you hate the rest of the movie. I wouldn't really say I am an advocate of true-to-life movies which throw everything in your face and force you to confront all that you have consciously or sub-consciously swept under the proverbial carpet.Given a personal choice, I would vote for all (or at least most movies to be)true story-types with a feel-good factor,aka, Hyderabad Blues or Mr & Mrs Iyer, where you come away with a new thought or a new view on something.
What is it with movies that depict real life.. Why do they always seem life-less!Considering the fact that they are made with a background that is screaming 'BLEAK' from every part of the frame. Will life with a background score become a movie ?

When I go and watch a movie that disturbs me, I abuse the director for having made it and then kick myself for having sat through it. Knowing a fact and not dwelling upon it makes it easier on the heart(mind?/sensibilities?).But when a movie enforces on you a terrible truth, you are forced to face it.(So much for watching movies that make me feel/think). I know that there is terrible sadness in the world, I know that countless people are waging battles to just get through each day, I know that I am but a very insignificant part of this world, but pardon me for not wanting to see that all over again in the three hours that I promise myself as entertainment, away from the daily grind.

Give me something that makes me laugh, something that transports me to another world, something that helps me escape what I see day in and day out(and what I spend trying to escape).
I owe you an apology my friend, maybe you were right after all, good guy beats up baddie and gets the girl. There's more to life than that, but heck, who cares!!


Vc June 11, 2007 at 2:02 PM  

then i recommend the little rascals..

Swappy June 12, 2007 at 12:51 PM  

Am in a Dilemma a cat on a wall....Some movies with emotions....and some don't have any....

Finally, it all depends on the concept behind it and ur mood.

Anonymous June 13, 2007 at 6:50 PM  

gud to see u after a long time..
i wud like to knw y u deleted an article u had put up in may and then deleted after a two days... it was a really gud one.. tats y askd... it had a lot of true emotion involved...

myths June 24, 2007 at 10:10 PM  

darn, I thought the delete wiped it out!
Thanks though.
And do I know who this might be?

ram k July 22, 2007 at 12:21 PM  

Movies are meant for mainly entertainment. Have to leave the things which are trash, we can learn the good things too from them. Some movies make you feel like anything but it could be of some time only like 1 hour or max 1 day.
Of course it would depend on your mood too

Anonymous April 21, 2008 at 4:39 PM  

So much to you that i still dont know...ummmmmmmmm

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