You should not have a friend in Macy's who works in the cosmetics department for you never know what all you will have to face or rather your face will have to face. Well, I don't have a friend who works at Macy's and that should have been the end of the story. But then, when I was actually out there with my office pal, shopping for (cough cough, a bridal shower gift), she bumps into a friend, who at first shot, I thought was into painting. She had an apron with multiple pockets and brushes of weird shapes and designs sticking out. So, my pal decides to get a make over and I settled down to watch the fun. I don't know what happened next but the brush lady was attacking me and my friend was in my seat :( Saying "no" "No" "NO" " NO" apparently isn't enough) makes you wonder doesn't it, if its like a big hint "For heaven's sake woman, you need makeup, you are lucky you don't have to look at yourself, we have to" ;)
Well, before I go further, the only reason that this post came up is because I haven't tried make up before and being unexpectedly cornered into this was rather amusing.So, all that I was about to undergo was a truly new experience.
She started with some liquid that's supposed to "Clean the pores" .
Then we move on to Foundation. Now, she got a card with multiple browns on it and matched it with my face.I am a yellow-brown I believe (to think, all these years I survived thinking of myself as wheatish! how could I be so DUH! ), me being a yellow brown apparently made the brush woman happy coz she had the right shade for me! yipeeeeeee...
that rubbed onto to my face, she asked me , how do you like it, I peeped into the mirror and realised exactly how bad my skin was and how dull I was looking (hello, its 10 hours of staring at a computer monitor!) , but I couldn't see the effects of transformation from the old me to the new me yet. Still, I put on a broad smile and say, yeah, nice :)
Then, next comes powder , this is to be applied with the biggest brush she has, I notice . which is a hard thing to do, for I am half scared she's going to get something into my eyes and kept my eyes closed most of the while. So, she painted my face all over with powder1.
I said powder1 , for it turns out there's powder2 , this is the compact powder I believe , this one with a tint of rose.(Stop rolling your eyes!)
Another forced look into the mirror, nope , the ugly duckling continues to reign. They really shouldn't have those mirrors that seem to magnify everything, pores is one thing but when I saw craters gaping back at me, I had to look away.
This done, Step 4 or is it 5 or 6 , anyways, the next step was eye-shadow, finally, I got to choose the colour, pinks / blues or greens ... well, I would like to think that I am a blue person, but not for my face .. nah, after hmm-ing and ha-ing (like it was a National level decision), I choose brown (hey, I was trying very hard not to look like a rainbow). Now, I had to ask her, do people really apply so much ? and she says "I am not doing anything for you, people do a lot more" . Ignorance is truly bliss. :/
That done, it was time for eye-liner and mascara. I was asked to keep my eyes open and look at the ceiling while she used the mascara. That was hard.Try it sometime, having a foreign object on your eyelashes and looking up, not allowed to close your eyes.
and luckily after use of brush no.6 , they announced that the shop has to close. Relief. Whew, I made it out of this and alive at that! Well, both my friend and the brush lady seemed to like it, it was 'natural' make-up , almost not noticeable I believe.
Somewhere, the oil lamp got lit that maybe there's a swan after all. I reached home, thanking God that my roomie wasn't there to open the door(How do you think I would feel if she fainted or worse snickered!) .
"Mirror mirror on the wall, ..." I had barely started and the mirror shattered into tiny pieces.
Hey , I did not look that bad, I could have been the villain in episode 456 of Ekta's serials. I just needed gaudy lipstick and a black outfit.
I think I scrubbed my face 4 times in 15 minutes, making sure all the traces were removed from the scene of the crime.
Last heard, the ugly duckling was found suitable for the role of heroine's brother's fiends neighbour's daughter no5. Life goes on after all.
Craters or not, make up isn't for me, so , Make-over, move over - the real Myths is here to stay!
Up on cloud # 999!
I am happy today !! way beyond happy, I have passed over into elated! I did it, I finally did, I got a learner's permit! I can actually legally get behind the wheels of a car in the US of A now!! (too many exclamation marks I see , not enough though) let me make it a little more obvious, I am HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, not really a big deal I know, but I know how it means to finally do something that you have been postponing for the last 8 months! yeah, 8 months, now you know exactly how lazy I am :)
I suddenly feel that I can do anything.
Someone I know said "You don't change just because things happen", and these very things that happen around you can make you feel like the 'king of the world' or 'down in the dumps'. What happens around you affects you in/directly whether you want it to or not, whether you allow it or not, whether you recognise it or not. You are but the summation of all your experiences, you are molded bit by bit into what you are today, governed solely by what you faced, what you chose to learn out of it.
From the General's Daughter : "What does not destroy us makes us stronger"
Anyhooooo, the point of the tangent being, I feel like I am on top of the world now and am unable to stop grinning, called all my friends and told them this.Got to hear "congrats", "finally", "u should have done this before", "want to drive at least once before u leave is it", "wow , u r lazier than me" and my favourite "you are crazy sometimes" (I gather this was because of the over-enthu voice with which I announced that I got my learner's permit)
but Overall, I am loving it, in case u r looking for me, you'll find me on cloud number 999!!!
P.S. I hear they are taking out an insurance on the area for a radius of 15 miles from where I live, people beware, I am going to start driving.And soon.
My first Dear Diary entry ..
Sitting in my balcony, there's a slight drizzle outside, the aftermath of a sudden downpour, "The General's daughter" by some guy in my hand ... Sudden thunder , I look up and for a second, for no reason,I smiled. I think rains are the most beautiful thing on earth. There's something very uplifting about them.
Just half an hour back, I was all set to go out for a walk, something about the sun setting at 8.30pm, makes you feel like there are hours and hours to spend after getting home from a taxing 8-6 job. But then, it was my turn to cook today, put the rasam on the stove and turned on the cooker with rice. Cut up some vegetables for making the curry, all the while telling myself that I will go out for the walk, just let me get this over with , so I will be worry-free.. and when I am almost done, it starts pouring , as pretty as it looks, I was a little :(
Got me thinking, isn't it the same with life, we always spend today doing things that we have to do and putting away "things that we like doing" for later on. And later on, if we don't get to do what we really like, we resign ourselves to 'fate'. Weird .
Well, anyways, I have my novels to read, a laptop to connect with to the world, a cell phone within arm's reach (have to stretch a wee bit to reach it though :D) and a voice in my head telling me how truly alone I am.
Ah, well, lets see what happened to the General' daughter.
Till then, keep :)