I actually named this one "Down and Out" and then realised I am not there anymore!
I was down and out all of last week. Started with a throwball tournament, both days of a weekend in the sun and we came back with a trophy and individual medals to boot. Then I went and took part in another tourney, 3rd(Monday) full day in the sun and this was at the Kanteerva, the heat was so bad, its a wonder I survived .
It was a working day and I couldn't possibly get an off for sports, so I came into work at 8am, worked 2 hours, went to the stadium, watched the inauguration, came back to work, and ... you get the picture.. back and forth for half a dozen times, we lost in the semifinals but it was a good game. I came back to work at 7pm finally, worked till 9.45pm, went home and crashed.
It took 4 crocins to see me through Tuesday. And on Wednesday, the fever hit the roof! We went to a doctor on Thursday , the chap made me smile . his first sentence on hearing that I have a fever was :
If it is more than 101, you should go to another doctor.
(me thinking: am I getting delirious too now, did the doc just say that, and anyways fevers of 104 are thing of the movies and only when you really have done something to fall that sick.I am safe here)
Do you want an injection or just tablets?
Why do I need an injection for a fever, tablets will do.
(Doc shrugs his shoulders like either ways isn't any of his concern)
(now I am worried)
Do you think I need an injection?
Upto you,your choice
(Another shrug)
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh !!!
So, how much is your temperature?
(Me ? You're asking me !! )
I don't have a thermometer
Oh! you don't have a thermometer
(thank you for your insightful understanding.)
I had 102.4 (that would explain heat coming out me ears and eyes ;))
he didn't shoo me away though, he gave me 7 tablets per day for 3 days and "Lets see"
Well, they seem to have worked. And I am back at work on Monday morning!
But, 5 days of bed rest is pretty saddening.Its boring not to be able to read or watch tv.I could barely sit up for 15 minutes forget walking around. And the worst part of it is not being allowed to eat ice cream! Ok, I did have a terrible headache, body ache, horrible cough, cold, and fever , but that's no reason to keep me off ice cream!!
Jokes apart, it is tough, not just on the person who isn't well, but the person helping too. Being helpless and cranky is a terrible combination. I am not sure why but not being able to do much reminded me of someone close who went through much more, much much more and always still had a smile. It needs a lot of strength to be strong for others when you yourself need support.
Well, back to today. A new day, a new week, 70 unopened official mails! Life begins all over again.
Things to do for kids with stuff you can find at home
I think there's a basic need for novelty that we all have and more so with
kids I feel! As wonderful as it would be to buy something new everyday, Yes
6 years ago
sigh* thank god you are back !! and psst no ice cream for the next 4 days..
Yippppppeeeee ! I am back !!! tra-lalalallaallalaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaa !
Wait, back from ?
Come on, Make up for those lost ice creams this week
I can ??? tankanakaaakanaanaka ...
nah, I cant, still have remnants of fever and cold . Ice creams remain an elusive dream. Those tubs of Mango and Pista ice-cream in the refridgerator will have to wait.... :(
Funny ! :-P
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