
Yesterday evening, I was sitting in a group of people all time-passing. I laughed so much I had tears in my eyes. There were 6 of us but only one person was holding fort for almost 2 hours!! And the rest of us were just listening and continuosly laughing. I didnt even realise that until today morning.
Whom would you like to be, the gregarious, outgoing , everybody laughs at my jokes and all remember me at the end of the party?
Or, the silent, intellectual wit whom people love one-to-one conversations?
Me? I fall into neither category, I have my own. I cant command the attention of a group, nor can people bear 1-2-1 talking to me . Land of nowwhere, but to quote someone, "I live in my own little world, but it's ok, they know me here."


Anonymous October 20, 2008 at 10:15 AM  

but you don't realise is that " the one" who was holding fort was encouraged by you and your giggles...

..and stealing quotes..che che..i thought you only stole my chokis !!

Anonymous October 20, 2008 at 1:35 PM  

ewww I DONOT giggle!

I gave u due credit, no stealing here!!!

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