Have you ever felt tired after having done absolutely nothing?
I have fallen into that evil trip, for since the last 2 weeks, I have had absolutely no work to do but I reach home dead tired.
It's mental boredom that is translating into physical tiredness.
Its like my brain is decaying out for I am forced to stay at work for a min. X amount of hours whether or not I have any work.
Who came up with that rule anyways? And what does it achieve? Chaining a person to his/her desk for 9.5 hours when they don't have any work. What good can you possibly foresee coming from that !!
Ask me, and I'll say NOTHING!
Things to do for kids with stuff you can find at home
I think there's a basic need for novelty that we all have and more so with
kids I feel! As wonderful as it would be to buy something new everyday, Yes
6 years ago
you shoul- start -oing something -ifferent like stu-ying furthur, improving an- sharpening skills ;]
alva alva
heard that you were "dubba" in work ?
henge henge
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